Female secrets

Published December 11, 2012 by Catalina Damian

Pretty much everyone gets affected by the “black under eye circles” especially students who never get enough sleep.
So I found a little cheat of how to get read of dark cercles quickly !

Apply cucumber slices to your eyes every day for 10 minutes. Cucumber is known for bleaching dark circles, refreshing skin and reducing under eye puffiness. I use this method when I’m tired or stressed and it works miracles.
Put two teaspoons in the refrigerator, and wait for them to get cold. Once they are cold, lie down on your back and put the spoons on your dark circles until it gets warm. This should refresh the area underneath your eyes and banish the dark circles.
Cold tea bags on the eyes is also a very well known home remedy to eliminate black circles. It’s been used in my house since I can remember. The caffeine in tea helps drain water from the tissues around the eyes, diminishing puffiness and treating under eye circles. Tea also contains antioxidants that are beneficial to the skin. Don’t forget to squeeze out any excessive liquid in the tea bags, before placing them on your eyes for about 10-15 minutes.

Hope it works for you !

With love,

Catalina xX

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